News - page 20

TWIF 21: VMs Donated and Tor Browser goes Android

This Week In F-Droid 21, Week 37, 2018 In this edition: F-Droid project receives a donation of two VMs, Tor Browser coming to Android, 28 new apps including Emerald Dialer and MiniVector, and 61 app updates including NewPipe and Kwik EFIS & DMAP.

TWIF 20: Security audit completed, buildserver setup with ansible

This Week In F-Droid 20, Week 36, 2018 In this edition: Second security audit completed, automating the buildserver setup with ansible, a light week with updates for Just Notes, Cow’s Revenge, Feeel, and others.

Second Security Audit Results

The second full security audit of F-Droid is complete. We are satisfied with the results, which confirmed again that the core security model and standard operations are solid. The audit pointed out issues in the core build process where we currently rely on manual review by trusted contributors to protect...

How Tutanota replaced Google’s FCM with their own notification system

As mentioned in This Week In F-Droid 17, Tutanota is now on F-Droid. In this special post Ivan from Tutanota, tells us the story. Hi, I’m Ivan and I am developing Tutanota to help build the web of the future where our right to privacy is being respected. I believe...

TWIF 19: Untis, Tusky and Rabbit Escape updated

This Week In F-Droid 19, Week 35, 2018 In this edition: 9 new apps, and 57 updates featuring Untis, Tusky, Rabbit Escape, and also Libretorrent, Orgzly, StreetComplete, Mastalab, Revolution IRC and more.

TWIF 18: Navigation Apps Updated

This Week in F-Droid 18, Week 34, 2018. Highlights: 11 newly released apps, OsmAnd and Maps receive major updates, upcoming talks at F/LOSS conferences, and preliminary discussion on efforts to decentralise F-Droid index creation.

TWIF 17: The reproducible builds and encrypted e-mail edition

This Week In F-Droid 17, Week 33, 2018 In this edition: Voting on Fennec icon, Mattermost advocacy, USB/SD card swap demonstrated, fixing OsmAnd~, Featured badge, using custom ROMs, and integrating F-Droid with the fediverse. In apps, Tutanota is in and the reproducible builds Öffi and Briar finally dropped.

TWIF 16: The note-taking todo text editor edition

This Week In F-Droid 16, Week 32, 2018 In this edition: Fixing nearby swap, download link broken and fixed again, a flaky build cycle, 3000 Mastodon followers, and Tutanota and Rocket Chat coming soon.