News - page 14

Big Website Update

We have just completed a big overhaul of the website that makes it run smoother, handle translations better, and it much easier to build and customize. The whole process was updated to run in Debian/buster using only Debian packages, while keeping the standard Ruby methods working. That makes it easy...

F-Droid is a Key Source for Academics and Researchers

We rarely hear from academics and researchers, but we know that F-Droid is important to their work because they cite F-Droid as a source in so many papers: arXiv lists more than 200 results Semantic Scholar lists more than 200 results Google Scholar lists more than thousand results Here are...

F-Droid Stats from 2019

I just gave a small talk about F-Droid at FSFE Berlin. For this I gathered some stats about what happened in our repo over the last year. I did a similar thing about 1.5 years ago, you can find the numbers on page 9 of the pdf. From Jan 2019...

OpenPush - A Free, Decentralized Push Messaging Framework for Android

Push messages are an essential part of connected mobile devices. They are also one of the critical missing pieces in the open source Android ecosystem. Until now, free Android apps would either need to implement their own push notification system, do without any push messaging or use the proprietary Google...

Tracking the Trackers: using machine learning to aid ethical decisions

F-Droid is a free software community app store that has been working since 2010 to make all forms of tracking and advertising visible to users. It has become the trusted name for privacy in Android, and app developers who sell based on privacy make the extra effort to get their...

F-Droid at 36c3

Some F-Droid contributors were at 36c3 this past December. Since it is a giant meeting place for so many related projects, we are including this small report of F-Droid activity there. We had developer meeting and a user meeting led by @Bubu. At the developer meeting, there was an exchange...

Trusted Update Channels vs. Scratching Your Itch

One of the great things about free software is that people can easily take a functional program or library and customize it as they see fit. Anyone can come along, submit bug fixes or improvements, and they can be easily shared across many people, projects, and organizations. With distribution systems...

New language: Polish

We are pleased to announce the launch of the completed Polish translation on this site! The Polish translators have covered almost all the text that can be translated, with 100% of the client, website strings, static pages, and tutorials available in Polish. On top of that, 95% of the documentation,...